Best of Sales for Life: Our 5 Most Inspiring Blog Posts

Jamie Shanks
Jamie Shanks


Sometimes, the first step to achieving success is believing in yourself.

The majority of the content on this Sales for Life blog is about the sales industry and practical tips on social selling. However, sometimes the biggest barriers to success in sales and social selling isn’t learning to use social media tools, nor company red tape.

Sometimes, we stand in the way of ourselves because we have limiting beliefs about success/money or fears about change. To help knock down these invisible barriers so we can grow, here is a collection of our inspiring and motivational blog posts. These blog posts may mention sales or social selling, but the lessons go much deeper than that.

Our Most Inspiring Blog Posts

To share your story about something that happened that helped you grow, face change or how you overcame a limiting belief, email me at or book a time with me using the button below to share.

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