SUCCESS STORY: 50% of Sales Pipeline From Social Selling!

Jamie Shanks
Jamie Shanks

Social Success Factor: How Jessica Voss Fills 50% of Sales Pipeline Through Social Selling

By now I hope you don’t think social selling is just some obscure and foggy theory that a bunch of us crazies are ranting about.

Okay fine, some of us are crazy. That’s beside the point.

Either way, I want you to check this out. This is really powerful. Here is a seasoned sales professional using social media to her full advantage. Meet Jessica Voss of inContact: the Cloud Contact Center Enterprise Solutions GURU! She’s a prodigy of sales aficionado Scott Logan who has developed a powerful and fierce social selling culture at inContact.

Jessica is adamant that sales people need to change. Why? As she eloquently describes, as technology evolves we have to change with the times. The old school ways are no longer working, she says.

Are you using social as a part of your daily routine? Ask yourselves these simple questions:

  • Where do you go today when you want to research a new electronic gadget?
  • Do you open the Yellow Pages to find that hot new restaurant?
  • What are customers doing at work when researching new solutions?

I hope you’ve come to the logical and obvious conclusion that buying journeys are now beginning online. Why aren’t you going where your customers are?

Starting on social can seem daunting and scary. Where do I start? What do I do? What can and can’t I do? How do I message people? Why can’t I just continue cold calling, some of you may be wondering.

Put aside all your fears and watch this. Just let it sink in. Then decide to take action. There are a TON of free resources online to help you get started.

Viewer note: Jessica was NOT driving while she recorded this! 🙂

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to get started on social and need help, check out some of our resources below. And if you want to see some things in action, feel free to book some time with us and we’ll walk you through some killer basics.

Onwards and upwards, my friends.

Sales Acceleration Summit

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