Top 5 Tactical Sales Tips of 2016

Jamie Shanks
Jamie Shanks


The data is in—our audience loves tactical content. Sales leaders and professionals alike seem to consume and share actionable tips like wildfire. That’s why we’ve rounded up the top-performing tactical blog posts of this year—so you can revisit old strategies you might have missed and plan for a quota-crushing 2017. Enjoy.

How To Send LinkedIn InMails That Lead to Sales Opportunities

According to the Direct Marketing Association, it takes 7-13+ Touchpoints to generate a qualified lead today. They also state that nurturing is key, as B2B prospects will never give you their BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeframe) needs in one touch. If you haven’t been taking the time to craft resonating InMails, the new year might provide a good start to stepping up your messaging or cadence game.

Broken Telephone: Why Buyers Won’t Call You Back

There’s no doubt that as a sales pro, one of the biggest challenges of your job is when buyers don’t answer or return your calls. But why the radio silence from buyers? The answer depends on which stage of the sales process you’re in.

In this viral blog post, Dave Howe takes us through typical problems associated with buyer states of initial engagement and the nurturing. This post is a must read for sales professionals having trouble with getting responses from their prospects.

12 Hacks to Increase Your SSI Score

What is the LinkedIn SSI score? How is it calculated? More importantly, how can sales professionals boost their SSI scores and increase visibility of their professional brand? Neale Martin explains through 12 actionable tactics, including finding the right people, engaging with insights and building relationships.

No Chill: The Ultimate Way To Warm Your Cold Call

In the old days, sales leaders would have to pump up their teams before a long day of cold calling. They would blare loud music, lead the team in jumping jacks or try 100 other tricks to get their blood pumping. When cold calling was the only way to generate leads, it took all of a team’s energy to keep making those calls in the face of overwhelming rejection.

Sales doesn’t work that way anymore. Top sales teams know how to prepare for a call. If you haven’t been taught to do so, or simply forget how, this blog post outlines a few invaluable lessons for even the most experienced sales professionals.

Social Selling In Reverse: How To SocialLY Ambush Like A Pro

The story of how one of our senior facilitators Ron De Appolonia scored a job at Sales for Life impressed audiences. It’s no wonder—Ron’s story is the perfect example of giving social sellers a taste of their own medicine to win a deal, or in this case, a job.


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